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[E] iAdolph (kennymccormickx)
[E] iAdolph (kennymccormickx)
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Please Whitelist me "KennyMcCormickX to the FTB server, I'd love to play also! Thanks!
over 12 years ago
i dont recall ever being told that. besides, as i said; using "kennymccormickx" doesn't work either
over 13 years ago
so, i haven't been able to play alot in the past couple months, moved to a new house, haven't build my computer yet. anyway, i log on and "/warp kenny" (which always ported me to my vault) now its porting me to someones home? i don't know why anyone would give away my warp. i haven't been banned, or anything. ive tried all variations i can think of. and i get "no such warp exists". ive opened up /pe's and wait. nothing. asked for a mod. nothing. did /pe list: 0 open pe's. so are they being closed without consideration? im sorry if this comes out like a rant and anger. just a bit fresturated, i used to get good service with mods, now it seems there falling short since my return
over 13 years ago
you have a good point danni, would the same go for evicting though, or could we be giving somesort of permission to evict someone from a lot when nessecary; by removing them from the region?
over 13 years ago
thank you isoccer, im glad im not the only one who is thinking this would be helpful, and nick, its not a misunderstanding. im was hoping this feature would get rid of the need to make a petition for every lot you wish to sell. sometimes it does take awhile for mods or admins to help out, im not complaining on that fact, im sure they have things to do, this would be a win win, less work for staff, and faster, eaiser sales for players
over 13 years ago